Monday, June 1, 2009

30DoW - Telling ya something good

Part 1 – What do I want to get out of this 30 Days of Write Exercise?  Good question.  Yet another commitment?  One more thing to feel guilty about flaking on?  No and no.  I’m going to go with discipline, creativity and style.  That’s what I hope to get out of it.  I’d like to write more often and hopefully expand into a more creative style.

Part 2 – About my life as a writer…  Well, first and foremost, I love to use ellipsis more than anyone else on this planet.  Perhaps because I feel that none of my thoughts are ever really complete…  On a more personal note, I’ve fancied myself a “writer” since I was in elementary school.  In fact, I wrote my first (of many) novels in the 3rd grade (and by novel, I mean a whopping 8 pages long).  I was boy-crazy, so Romance was the obvious way to go.  It was about a new boy in town who both irritated and challenged a young, strong girl (modeled after myself, of course), and the slow manner in which they fell in love (to the envy of all the other girls in town).  I was a regular fricken Nora Roberts.  By the time high school came around, my discipline was out the window.  I chose social over academic, as is fairly obvious in my writing style.  However, starting around that time, I began to keep a journal (I grew to hate the term “diary” as it sounded far too juvenile for my very serious self.)  In my mid-20’s, during a whirlwind of changes, my journal was the one place I was allowed to be who I really was.  Without judgment, without criticisms, without censorship.  At that time I also began writing poetry.  That venture was both exciting and embarrassing, so I will speak of it no more.  Once the internet came along (which I immediately fell in love with), I naturally merged the two and my love of blogging began.  I’ve been blogging regularly since March of 2004.  I’m glad for it, because I’m able to go back and see my progression as a woman, wife, mother and friend.  I’ve come a long way, and I might not have realized it without the detailed documentation to look back on.  My hope is that this 30DoW exercise will help me step out of my personal style (which has been all about me) and re-open the creativity I once had.  However, please know that at the height of my creativity, I sounded a hell of a lot like Nora Roberts.  I don’t have a War and Peace in me.  So set your expectations low and you just might enjoy what you read…


  1. Nora Roberts actually makes money writing, so if you want to work your romance muscles, I will cheer you on. All the way to the bank.

  2. Nor should you ever have a War and Peace in you...I look forward to being entertained instead ;) (not that I could, would, or should ever finish a novel that fracken long)

  3. I like your style already, and am looking forward to reading all your entries!
