I do have this to say in regards to my day: Time marches on but things stay remarkably the same. If silence is golden, then I am obviously tarnished silver, but this time I'm going to work on becoming at least a cheap 9-carat gold. I'm certain I'll never make it to 24-carat, I'm not driven enough for that kind of silence. I'm going to end with the good 'ole Serenity Prayer, because that will be my motto for this entire trip...
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.
You may need the Serenity Prayer + an entire bottle of xanax. Or maybe you should just develop another personality that takes over when things get "exciting." Whatever happens, just get through it alive and get back to Austin so we can tube and grill out.