Friday, August 7, 2009

movie and a shower

Our new roommate, Dan, is a movie watcher. He is particularly fond of the classics. Because of this, I am currently viewing Apocalypse Now: Redux. I'd much rather be watching my DVR which is full of much lighter fare, such as Big Brother, The Cleaner or even The History Channel special on Caligula. All of these options are much lighter than fricken Apocalypse Now.

Watching this movie makes me want to take a shower and wash away the viewing. There are many other movies that make me feel the same way. Full Metal Jacket, Requiem for a Dream, Natural Born Killers, Mulholland Dr. (and basically anything else David Lynch has done), Reservoir Dogs, A Clockwork Orange and Trainspotting. There is something so deeply disturbing about these movies, a quality that I wish I wasn't aware of in human nature, that it literally makes me want to vomit and take a shower.

I must assume that capturing this quality so well on film is exactly what makes it a classic. And many people (my roommate being one of them) enjoys watching these types of movies on a semi-regular basis. And honestly, to each his own. But I prefer light and fluffy. I'll take He's Just Not That Into You over a creepy Marlon Brando any day.

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