Sunday, April 26, 2009

martini's and self-discovery

Last night I got gloriously drunk on apple martini's.  Several times I remember thinking "why don't I get drunk more often?"  Until towards the end of the night when I was lying my head down in the bathroom sink trying to "get myself together".  Even still, it was quite enjoyable.  Until this morning when I was awoken by my beautiful daughter yelling "WAKE UP MOMMY, WAKE UP!"  Luckily, I have a fantastic husband that took morning duty all weekend and I was able to sleep until 11am.  The smell of pancakes and bacon rose me out of bed, which is when I realized why I don't get drunk "more often".  Hangovers suck.  The hangover headache and lethargy I can completely do without.  Granted, a martini hangover doesn't suck as much as a red wine hangover, but regardless, all hangovers suck.  I understand how people become alcoholics.  They need to drink just to get through the hangover.  Ugh...

Once I was finally up and around, I talked to my cousin-who-is-like-a-sister, Chelsea.  The conversation quickly turned into a psychotherapy session and at one point I suggested that she needed to do some serious soul-searching.  "Is there a book on that?" she asked.  I laughed, thinking that surely there was, but it defeated the point of "self" "searching".  But then I realized she had a point.  If you are starting at square one, which at 21 you most definitely are, how do you even know what to ask yourself?  So I told her I'd do some research and get back to her.  And because I am an internet research queen, I found exactly what I was looking for:

As I was arrogantly reading over the questions (thinking I had all the answers, of course), I realized I am probably due for some self discovery.  I haven't done any true soul searching in about 10 years, and seeing as how we change and constantly evolve (or we should anyway), I'm thinking it's time I sit and answer some of these questions myself.  And me being who I am (a girl who lacks the ability to keep anything private), I'm going to use my blog for that purpose.  I'm going to bare my soul for all the internet world to see.  Granted, I will still be posting about the hilarious goings-on of Casa de Dawson, but in addition I'm going to try some self-imposed psychotherapy as well.  This should be fun...

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how I missed this blog. JD was telling me about the link you posted and once again, serious thanks for doing the research to help all of us be better people with the least effort. Well... some of those questions are going to require a LOT of effort but at least I didn't have to look for it. You rock. :)
